04 November 2009


The Spanish Conquest of my vocabulary has actually made it more difficult to express myself via words. I have always admired photojournalism, however, and I'm sure people think pictures are more interesting than sentences. So here are two brand new facebook albums chock full of all that I've been doing, viewable by everyone! Also, in one of the two albums exists probably the BEST PICTURE I HAVE EVER TAKEN. I won't tell you which one it is, so you'll have to guess.

Buena suerte!

Atenas, Manuel Antonio, Bocas del Toro, EARTH University, Farm

Fiesta, Tortuguero, Abandoned Sanatorium, Halloween Costume

P.S. I've been adding the best photos of my trip to my flickr, so be sure to check that out if you want big versions of the best pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Brandon, Great pictures! For Halloween, you could have dressed up that finger of yours and it would have scared anyone. Remember, be careful and always carry cash.

    Anonymous=Kelsey's Dad
